
Jul 7, 20202 min

The Old Vicarage, Stallingborough

The Old Vicarage in Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, was rated outstanding for being responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 10 March 2020.

The safe effective and caring categories received a score of Good.

The Old Vicarage provides accommodation and care for people who have learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health needs.

People received an exceptionally personalised service that supported their very individual needs. Staff used inclusive and individual ways of involving people and their family in their care and support plans, so that they felt consulted, empowered, listened to and valued. One relative said, "They will come to me and we will work together. They always go the extra mile."

The flexibility and responsiveness of the service was aided by the provider's innovative technology system which supported staff to monitor even the slightest change in people's health or wellbeing so action could be taken to help ensure people achieved the best possible outcomes. There had been a significant reduction in one person's behavioural incidents due to the careful monitoring and consistency of staff. Their relative stated that staff had done a "remarkable job," in supporting the person when other placements had not succeeded.

An innovative management and staffing structure were in place, supported by 20 specialist teams. Each team had a expertise such as positive behaviour support, health and wellbeing and transition and review. This meant the registered manager had a wide range of support and had more time to focus on supporting staff to ensure the best possible care and support was being provided. Core staff teams within The Old Vicarage worked effectively together and were built around meeting the needs of people.

People and relatives spoke extremely highly of the home. One relative told said, "She is so much better. If every service was as good as this, then we wouldn't need to worry." Another relative stated, "We believe The Old Vicarage is outstanding in their care and would recommend it to other parents."

CQC inspectors asked a resident how they would rate The Old Vicarage and they put both thumbs up to indicate it was Outstanding.
