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Amberley Lodge in Purely, Surrey


Amberley Lodge in Purely, Surrey is declared outstanding.

This inspection took place on 11 and 12 October 2018.

Amberley Lodge – Purley provides nursing care and specialises in dementia care.

In the CQC report on Amberley Lodge, inspectors rated the home outstanding in the caring, responsive and well-led categories and good for safe and effective.

Inspectors highlighted that the service was outstandingly caring. Staff were exceptionally kind and caring and demonstrated a real empathy and understanding of people with dementia. Staff knew people well and staff helped people reflect on their past creatively. People received compassionate care in line with best practice for people with dementia. The service had a strong, visible person-centred culture and the registered manager set up a successful 'wish tree' project to fulfil people's wishes, despite their advancing age, dementia and medical conditions. People were supported to maintain relationships and social contacts. People were given the privacy and dignity they needed.

Amberley Lodge – Purley was also found to be outstandingly responsive and the service was innovative in relation to end of life care. Staff were encouraged to talk about death and dying openly and sensitively with people and the service helped people plan the end of their lives with dignity. Staff had an excellent understanding of the best ways to deliver end of life care following best practice guidelines including 'Namaste' care for people with advanced dementia.

Staff also followed the personal wishes of people and their relatives when people were at the end of their lives. The service responded rapidly to people's changing care needs, so people experienced a comfortable, dignified and pain-free death. Staff were very able to meet people and relative's emotional and practical needs when people reached the end of their lives.

Managers developed their leadership skills and those of others and the registered manager created a positive atmosphere to work where staff felt well supported. Staff were motivated by and proud of the service with award systems in place to recognise their achievements. Staff had high levels of satisfaction levels relating to equality and inclusion at work.

Governance was well-embedded in the service with a strong framework of performance monitoring and the service was involved in an internal 'good to great' scheme to achieve excellent standards. There was an emphasis on continuous improvement and the views of people, relatives and staff were pivotal to this.

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