Ashurst Mews Care Home in Northampton a residential care home for older people requiring nursing care was rated outstanding for being responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 13 August 2019.
The safe, effective and caring categories received a Good score from the CQC.
The CQC report highlighted that there was a strongly embedded culture of putting people at the centre of their care, ensuring choices and preferences were explored, and always discussed and respected.
In addition, people received support and encouragement to achieve goals which had a strong impact on quality of life and health. One person who had worked as a gardener for most of their life requested to be involved in maintaining the garden at the service. Staff supported them to do this and they developed the garden by choosing which flowers to grow and where best to plant them. They had also been supported with cultivating the space next to their bedroom window where they planted vegetables.
There was a dementia care lead for the organisation. They had put together a 're-connect programme' for staff guidance to support people living with dementia, that reflects best practice and recent research in dementia care.
There were also associated training programmes, support for implementation and a bespoke audit tool to measure and evaluate peoples progress.
CQC inspectors were pleased to see that three people had recently joined a 'dementia choir'. This helped to improve people's mood, behaviour and well being.
