Asra House, in Leicester has been awarded outstanding by the Care Quality Commission.
Asra House Residential Care Home providing care and support for up to 42 older adults living an Asian lifestyle.
The CQC awarded Asra House outstanding in two out of five categories, responsive and well-led and good for safe, effective and caring following the inspections, 4 December 2018.
Inspectors highlighted that residents told them that staff had an excellent understanding of their social and cultural diversity, values and beliefs and how these might influence their decisions on how they wanted to receive care and support.
One person said, "My beliefs are different to other people here, but I do not feel isolated. The staff understand my beliefs and take me to place of worship. They know what food I can and cannot eat and about my customs. And they include me in their own festivals and events."
The multicultural multilingual staff team knew how best to meet people's care, social and cultural needs and were trained to promote equality and diversity.
People told us they felt part of care planning because of this. One resident said, "They sit down with me and we discuss how I want the staff to help me. We do this in Gujarati as that's best for me."
In 2018 Asra House won a national 'Care Team Award' at the Great British Care Awards. The purpose of the awards is to pay tribute to staff who have demonstrated 'outstanding excellence within their field of work'. To win the award the staff team had to demonstrate many competencies. These included being well-led, having a shared vision and agreed goals, demonstrating good practice in personalised care and support, showing a commitment to equality and diversity, and including people in the development of the service.
During the CQCvisit inspectors saw how staff put people at the heart of the service. Their views wereinvaluable, and the inspectors were encouraged to talk with as many people as possible. The registered manager said, "It's their home and they're the ones who can best tell you what it's like here."