Badgers Holt Residential Care Home in Hythe, Southampton has been rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Inspectors visited 19 February 2019 and rated Badgers Holt Care Home as outstanding in three areas, the caring, responsive and well-led aspects of the report, and good for the safe and effective elements.
Badgers Holt Residential Care Home is a residential care home providing nursing and personal care to people over 65, some with dementia.
The CQC report highlighted that they received overwhelming praise from people, their relatives and health professionals on how caring the service was. People and relatives provided numerous examples of the level of the compassion in the care provided.
The service recognised and responded to people's needs for social interaction and mental stimulation and many person-centred activities took place daily.
Inspectors spoke with one of the activity coordinators who specialised in training exercises for older people. They held an exercise group weekly at the home.
The activity coordinator said, "On Monday I had twenty people coming in to attend exercises. I know what they can and can't do and staff keep me updated with their medical conditions. One lady I worked with had a frozen shoulder and I worked with her and noticed an improvement.”
The activity coordinator later said, “When people come back from hospital, "I work with the closely and if I notice any swelling of the ankles encourage them to do ankle exercises to reduce the swelling.”
Comments made confirm that the service is well-led.
One resident said, "I haven't been in here for long and I'm still settling in, but the carers are lovely.”
A relative said, "We chose this home out of ten others. When we came here to view, we were greeted by the manager and immediately made to feel at home here. Our family member has been here several weeks now, and she has settled in well, thanks to the team here.”