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Branksome Park Care Centre, Poole

Branksome Park Care Centre gets awarded outstanding in two key areas, by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Outstanding ratings were given in the responsive and well-led aspects of the report and the safe, effective and caring aspects were rated good.

The inspection took place on 16 & 17 August 2018, at the home in Poole, Dorset.

Branksome Park Care Centre provides personal and nursing care and treatment to people over the age of 18 years old. The service cares for people with a variety of needs, including complex needs associated with chronic and acute medical conditions, including brain injury, as well as short term and rehabilitation or palliative care.

The CQC report highlighted that the service was truly responsive, and people's preferences were paramount when delivering their care, treatment and support. The service and people were able to give us lots of examples where the service had excelled at their personalised approach to caring for and supporting people's preferences.

One resident was very self-determined and did not wish to use moving and handling equipment in the recommended way. The service employed additional staff to work with person and worked with an occupational therapist and the person to identify and found bespoke equipment that they were happy to use.

A second person had a young school age family. The service set aside a quiet private area where the person could spend time with their children after school so they could do their homework with their parent. The service made the space as much like their home as they could.

The service was led by an innovative stable management team that was approachable and respected by the people, relatives, professionals and staff. People, their relatives and staff were consulted in all aspects of the service and involved in their care and support. The service worked collaboratively with other professionals to improve and develop services that impacted on both people living and using the service and in the community.

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