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Brookfield Residential Home, Huntingdon


Brookfield Residential Home near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire a residential home for adults over the age of 65, was rated outstanding for being caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 21, 22 & 23 March 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and well-led categories.

At the last inspection, 23 May 2016, the service was rated Good.

The CQC report highlighted that residents, relatives, health professionals and external stakeholders described the service as very homely. A relative said, "I am offered a cup of tea or coffee and a homemade cake. I can stay for lunch too. It is so welcoming every time I visit. Staff often come in on their day off for half an hour or so." Staff coming in on their days off or spare time was a regular event where staff spent time developing their relationships with people.

Staff described to the CQC that they respected and promoted people's privacy and dignity. One member of staff said, "I let people do as much as they can but preparing everything such as toiletries in advance to avoid any delays really makes a difference to dignity."

This was as well as being proactive as to when people required help to the toilet before any continence incidents had chance to occur. Another member of staff told us, "I close the door first; I explain each stage of the care and let people do as much for themselves as they possibly can do."

The CQC report also highlighted that residents were supported to follow their chosen faith and staff organised trips to the community church and have various religious leaders visit Brookfield.

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