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Burdon Grange, Beaworthy

Burdon Grange in Beaworthy, Devon was rated outstanding for being caring, and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 4 & 5 December 2019.

It achieved the score of Good for the safe. effective and well-led categories.

Burdon Grange is a nursing home.

The CQC report highlighted that people, relatives and professionals gave consistently positive feedback about the care provided at Burdon Grange. Comments included, "I think this is an outstanding home. The care is fantastic. The staff are kind, caring and keep us safe. My health has improved since I moved here. The physio has really helped my back."

Staff had an excellent understanding of people's individual needs which protected their values and beliefs in the way people wanted to receive care and support. The approach meant there was a multi-professional process which aimed at maintaining continuity, independence and autonomy for the person. Ensuring staff were knowledgeable and developed close relationships with people and families was important due to peoples' disabilities.

The key worker role was strongly developed to promote fulfilled lives, new opportunities and achievements. The PIR stated, 'Our key worker system affords opportunity to discuss and evolve the care and support we offer to people.'

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