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Collinson Court, Stoke on Trent

Collinson Court in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, a residential care home providing personal care to adults with learning disabilities and autism was rated outstanding for being safe, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 10 December 2019 & 28 January 2020.

The caring and effective categories received the score of Good from the CQC.

The CQC report highlighted that since the last inspection the quality of people's lives had improved due to staff managing risks well. Where possible, people were involved in decisions about how to manage risks themselves. Staff discussed incidents and people's behaviours and anxieties with them and agreed measures to safely protect the person, and others, from any future harm.

Staff were were encouraged and supported to think creatively about managing people's risks. Staff considered people's reactions to previous experiences which helped them plan activities and push the boundaries of what people could experience and achieve.

One staff member said, "We want people to try new things, give them the opportunity. Staff are available if things don't go well. We've had occasions where we've had to retreat from a situation, but it doesn't mean we won't keep trying."

Staff developed positive relationships with people, and this had a positive effect, when moving into the home.

At the time of the CQC inspection someone new was moving into the home from a secure environment. The person was supported by staff prior to their admission to Collinson Court and this enabled staff to establish a trusting relationship with the person. This had ultimately resulted in the person moving into the home and their transition going smoothly as they had confidence in the staff team.

There was also a positive culture of learning at the service, promoted by the management team.

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