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Coneygar Lodge, Bridport


Coneygar Lodge in Bridport, Dorset gets awarded outstanding in three key areas, by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Outstanding ratings were given in the caring, responsive and well-led aspects of the report and the safe and effective aspects were rated good.

The routine inspection took place on 14 & 17 September 2018.

Cleeve Lodge is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to people aged 65 and over.

During the CQC inspection residents and their relatives described Coneygar Lodge as a "Really lovely home, which promoted their wellbeing" People and their families shared many examples of people being able to "Enjoy life again.”

One resident said, "I have spent many years in a wheelchair, I am still unsteady but have been encouraged to use a walking aid to help me to move about again" Another told us they had been able to "Have good time's again", and felt a sense of "Belonging, with the new friends they had made.

End of life discussions had taken place and people had care plans in place which supported their wishes. The team was committed to providing people with the best end of life care they could possibly give and provide support to families and friends at this time.

An end of life champion told CQC inspectors that their role was to, "Oversee what was happening and gently guide staff to what we should be doing in response to the wishes of the resident and their family. It's a privilege people choose to stay with us and are comfortable in our care."

Staff said they worked closely with family members and are guided by their wishes ensuring their last moments are "Special and protected with their loved one."

One visitor told inspectors that their relative had passed away at the home, but still came along to visit people and always felt valued and welcome. They told us." The staff were there for us. Every step of the way."

The service was exceptionally well led. The service benefited from strong leadership. The registered manager was passionate about providing person centred care and this was reflected in every aspect of the service. The registered manager worked in partnership with other organisations and had taken part in several good practice initiatives designed to further develop the service. They were enthusiastic and committed to providing the best service possible. Their focus included the promotion of dignity and valuing people's diverse needs to provide a very high standard of person centred care.

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