Coxwell Hall and Mews Nursing Home in Faringdon, Oxfordshire, a residential home for adults with a range of conditions, including people living with mental health conditions and dementia, was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 6 November 2019.
It achieved the score of good for the safe category.
The CQC report highlighted that staff completed specialist training in conflict management, physical intervention and dementia care. This had a positive impact on residents and how staff approached them.
One member of staff highlighted, "New advanced training at all levels has been introduced and the benefits of this are now obvious throughout the home and within everyday working practices, one particular example that springs to mind would be staff now being skilled in dealing with conflict and tension. It is my feeling that everyone now feels more knowledgeable which in turn has installed confidence within the care staff and has provided that togetherness, that team spirit which now impacts on our residents so positively."
Staff went to exceptional lengths to get to know people and engage with them in a way that valued them. One person came to the service totally immobile, having been described as 'aggressive' at a previous home. Staff quickly identified that the person liked television programmes and responded positively to praise. The person is now able to walk and will often 'show' his skills to staff who applaud the improvement. Staff ensure the person is involved in all aspects of their care and had identified the person enjoyed writing. The person was involved in recording their care records which included completing an incident report when they had experienced a fall. The resident was now enjoying an improved quality of life and was truly valued as an individual.
Health and social care professionals were extremely complimentary about the positive impact living at Coxwell Hall and Mews had on outcomes for people.
One professional said, "From the day my client moved in the positive changes kept happening to an extent that we went from risk of unintentional self-neglect, aggressive behaviours, racially disinhibited language in the previous care home to my client having a beaming smile on my visit telling me how much he felt respected and responded to by staff at Coxwell Hall and Mews Nursing Home."
Another professional told CQC inspectors the service supported people with extremely complex needs in a way that had not been achievable in other health or care environments.
There was an extremely open and honest culture at the home, and everyone was comfortable to have their say. One member of staff said, "I feel the biggest change in Coxwell now is related to the openness, honesty and transparency that is encouraged, work correctly and compassionately all day every day. Speak up if problems are encountered or changes need to be made and do not try to hide them. If we are getting it right all the time, then we have nothing to hide."