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Davlyn House, Staffordshire


Staff and residents have a lot to celebrate following the recent CQC inspection.

The inspection took place 26 & 28 September 2018.

The care home in Staffordshire has been rated as outstanding in two out of five categories following the inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The CQC awarded the care home outstanding in the following categories; caring and well-led, and good for being safe, effective and responsive.

At the last inspection in February 2016 the service was rated good. At this inspection, Davlyn House sustained its outstanding model of care and built on this to develop the service further achieving an outstanding rating in the key question, well-led.

Davlyn House is a residential care home registered to provide personal care for up to 29 people. People who use the service have physical health needs and some were living with dementia.

Residents claimed that they were extremely happy living at Davlyn House. One person said, "It was a big change for me to move here from my own home, but the staff have helped me and supported me through it. It is so nice here, it just is."

Staff were observed providing emotional support to people when they needed it. CQC inspectors observed a distressed person at the dinner table. A member of staff got down to the person's level. They tried not to draw attention to the person and asked them what they could do to make them feel better. They observed the person go with the member of staff to a more private space. The staff member was with the person 15 minutes later, still reassuring the person by talking to them in a calm and mild manner.

People, relatives and professionals consistently spoke about how well-led the service was. This supported the development of effective working relationships with other professionals that resulted in improved outcomes for people.

One resident said, "I have come across many managers and she is the best one. They are hardworking and never stop. They are dedicated to everyone who lives here, and they know everyone as an individual. They treat everyone with respect and dignity and they thoroughly deserve the award they won."

A relative said, "The registered manager has almost become a friend. They are so approachable and thoughtful and so respectful of individual needs."

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