Fairwinds in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, was rated outstanding for being caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 14 January 2020.
The safe, effective and well-led categories received a score of Good.
Fairwinds is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to people living with mental health problems.
The service strived to help people live independent and fulfilling lives. One person's wish was to cook safely. After two months living at the service, they had been supported to complete an awareness of food safety certificate after completing a course facilitated by the catering manager at Fairwinds. The resident now cooks in the home's kitchenette facility and the whole process had increased their independence, confidence and daily living skills and staff were happy to celebrate the persons success with them.
The home had a service known as 'OneCare' which supported people who wanted to gain more daily living skills, with a view to moving independently in the community. This service was provided in community homes which were situated adjacent to the home and were designed for people who were ready for a more independent style of living but still required some specialist support.
When staff saw a potential that the OneCare service would benefit someone, they approached them about it and decided if this was something they would like to consider. After careful planning and thoughtful preparation, people could then try the service to see if it met their needs. This was always used as a transition to live more independently.
A resident hat had tried this service moved back into the main home as they said, "It wasn't for me, I like to know people are around all the time."
