Firstlings, managed by Sohal Healthcare Limited, is a care home located in Heybridge, Maldon, Essex. It provides accommodation and personal care for up to 32 older people, some living with dementia. During the inspection, 29 residents were enjoying the service, which is set across three floors and features a large accessible garden.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) rated Firstlings as 'Outstanding' overall, with 'Good' ratings in safety and effectiveness, and 'Outstanding' in caring, responsiveness, and leadership. These ratings reflect the high-quality care and management provided by the home.
Residents at Firstlings receive an outstandingly person-centered service. The staff's excellent understanding of individual needs is demonstrated through imaginative and creative care, which places people at the heart of the service. The residents' well-being and social life are enriched by a range of group and individualized opportunities, both within the home and in the local community.
Firstlings offers a homely and warm environment where people's independence is actively promoted and encouraged. The staff create an atmosphere where residents can feel comfortable and be themselves. The home provides a variety of activities, focusing on enriching residents' social and personal lives, and encourages community involvement.
Safety and well-being are priorities at Firstlings. The staff is trained in recognizing and responding to abuse, and comprehensive risk assessments are in place. Medicines are managed safely, and effective infection control processes are maintained. The home also ensures that staff have the knowledge and skills to support people safely and effectively.
The leadership at Firstlings is outstanding, with the registered manager being a visible and effective role model. The staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities, and the management style is inclusive and transparent. The home has a strong community presence, enhancing residents' experiences and fostering positive relationships.
Firstlings stands out for its exceptional person-centered care, strong community ties, and outstanding management. Its commitment to residents' safety, well-being, and active participation in their care and the community makes it an excellent choice for older individuals seeking a nurturing and engaging living environment.
