Flint Cottage in South Nutfield, Surrey, a residential home providing personal care and accommodation for adults living with a learning disability and/or autism was rated outstanding for being effective and caring following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 14 May 2019.
It achieved the score of good for the safe, responsive and well-led categories.
The CQC report highlighted that the service was exceptionally well adapted to support each of the people. Innovative solutions considered people's specific risks and needs.
One resident had a severe eating disorder, which put them at risk of ingesting non-edible items which could be harmful to their health. To reduce these risks, one area of the garden had been laid with 'fake grass' with surrounding edges planted with edible herbs. Staff were meticulous in ensuring the 'fake grass' was clear of leaves and debris before the person went in the garden. This meant that the person could enjoy the garden, with the risk of coming to harm reduced.
There was a very relaxed, happy atmosphere at Flint Cottage, with people being supported to do what they wanted. Staff talked with people about what they wanted to do and spent time making sure the person was aware of the choices.
Throughout the inspection there were lots of caring interactions. Staff and people clearly cared deeply for each other and were able to share pleasure and enjoyment over little things.
When a resident returned from a trip out, staff spent time communicating with the person about how well the trip had gone. Although the person did not have verbal communications skills, their body language showed how they agreed and had enjoyed the trip.
