Garfield Grange in Preston, Hull has received an outstanding rating from the Care Quality Commission as it did in its most recent inspection, 20 & 21 June 2018.
The Humberside care home is registered to provide accommodation for people over 65 who require personal care for people with learning and physical disabilities.
At the previous inspection in December 2015, the CQC rated the service as good.
The CQC awarded Garfield Grange outstanding in two out of five categories; caring and responsive and the safe, effective and well-led categories scored good.
The CQC report highlighted that residents and their relatives felt staff were exceptionally caring, compassionate and went out of their way to make sure they had a good quality of life and well-being.
A staff member said, "Our vision is not to do things for people that they can do themselves." Another commented, "We want people to be independent and as happy as can be."
People received care and support that was extremely responsive to their individual needs and preferences. Staff worked collaboratively with other professionals to ensure people received care that enabled them to live as full a life as possible, particularly where their skills had deteriorated.