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Hallmark Care Home (SW19) Limited, London

Hallmark Care Home (SW19) Limited in London providing personal and nursing care for adults was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 30 October 2019.

The safe category received a Good score from the CQC.

The service provided exceptional support that met people's needs and preferences, particularly the case for people living with dementia.

The provider had a company wide 'Together dementia strategy' in place, based on the principles of Dementia Care Mapping developed by the University of Bradford. The Together dementia strategy guided the structure of the service, the work of staff at all levels and resulted in improved outcomes and quality of life for people. One person told us, "It's the little things that count - everyone, from the senior carers to the cleaners are smart, professional and cheerful."

Residents and relatives were united in their positive view of the caring aspect of the home. Comments included, "The care is compassionate, it's delivered with dignity – and a welcome element of humour and I believe that comes from the top" and "I find the staff caring and considerate. The minute I appear, I feel the staff are there for my friend and me."

Minimising social isolation was expertly managed by the team. Through their work they were able to ensure that the social aspect of people's care was carried out as a "whole home" approach, involving all staff, ensuring risk assessments were accurate and proportional and matching the right staff to the task. This included trips out, in-house activities such as music and art, games and exercises and individual wishes, such as someone who wished to go paddling in the sea. Support was provided after careful consideration of risk and appropriate plans put in place.

Some people living at the service had been excluded from other homes due to their behaviours, and the impact of these on other residents and staff. With consistent and friendly support, the behaviours had diminished and their quality of life improved.

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