Holkham House in Redhill, Surrey was rated outstanding for being safe, caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 21 & 22 October 2019.
It achieved the score of Good for the effective and well-led categories.
Holkham House is a residential care home providing personal care for people who may have a learning disability and associated conditions.
The CQC report highlighted that many people were supported to understand risk and take positive risks to promote their independence. For example, video, easy read and pictorial formats were just some of the communication methods used to support this.
One person had a greater understanding of risk, so a safeguarding process was made available in a video format to meet their individual needs. This video enabled them to be aware on what abuse was, how it may affect them and how to report any concerns. This helped to keep the resident safe when they went out into the community.
Another example of how a person was supported to understand risk was how one person had, before moving into Holkham House, burnt themselves using a kettle. The service arranged for this person to complete a 'Food Safety' course. This training video empowered this person with the knowledge on how to use the kitchen safely rather than restrict their movements. This helped them to be more independent. This person also received a certificate on completion of this training course of which they are very proud.
Client Council meetings were also held where the people's representative attended. This is where the management of the organisation discussed changes, policies and organisational direction. The people's representative had the opportunity to ask questions, make suggestions and influence decisions.
One key area discussed at a Client Council meeting was the takeover by another company and how this may affect people using the service. People were reassured, asked questions, and were given information about the new company and raised any concerns. The outcome for people was they were fully informed about the changeover and how little it would affect them.
Since the takeover the staff's well being had improved which led to staying in the job. This enabled continuity for people living in the service.