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Jack Dormand Care Home, Peter Lee

Jack Dormand Care Home in Peter Lee, County Durham, a nursing home for adults over the age of 65 with dementia was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 19 December 2017.

It achieved the score of good for the safe and effective categories.

The CQC report highlighted that staff had identified people with communication needs or who required additional social stimulation. They took the time to visit people in their rooms and engage in activities or conversations of the person's choice.

One person said, "Things are great, they do my hair and my nails and as I'm quite nervous they are constantly asking how I'm doing and come and have a chat."

A family member told CQC inspectors about the support their relative received with their communication and social needs. They said, "Even though everyone is busy, they still manage to find time to talk to her and cheer her up."

The provider used innovative ways in the form of Amazon Echo to protect people from social isolation, as a result of conversations with some of the residents who had dementia type illnesses. Residents had spoken about their interest in sixties music and the devices enabled people to listen to whatever music they liked at any time. Devices were installed around the home.

There are plans in place to sign up to the 'Audible' service that would provide talking books for the less able people.

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