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Malden House, Sidmouth


Malden House in Sidmouth, Devon a residential home for people over 65 was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 27 February & 5 March 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe category.

At the last inspection, in October 2015, the service was rated Good.

The CQC report highlighted that residents received effective care, based on best practice evidence. The service used 'lead roles,’ including falls prevention, nutrition, dignity, helping people develop new interests and hobbies and staff wellbeing.

Staff developed exceptionally positive caring and compassionate relationships with people. The ethos of Malden House was that of an extended family. The service used the national 'Dignity in Care' good practice steps. For example, by supporting people with the same respect they would want for themselves or a member of their family.

People and relatives consistently spoke about the family atmosphere at Malden. Comments included, "It's delightful living here," "It feels as though one's being cared for by one's own family, not people who are doing a job," "It's easy to forget you're not still living in your own home. It's so relaxed and easy going.”

Residents participated in the recruitment staff. Robust recruitment checks were in place and new staff had a probation period to ensure they demonstrated the skills and values needed. People knew how to raise concerns and were confident that any concerns raised would be listened and responded to. Staff were trained to be aware of signs of abuse, any concerns were appropriately reported to appropriate agencies, with action taken to protect people.

The premises were well managed to keep people safe. For example, staff were familiar with actions to take to protect people in the event of a fire or other emergency. People were protected from cross infection by good standards of cleanliness and hygiene.

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