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Orchard Court, Brigg


Orchard Court gets awarded outstanding in two key areas, by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Outstanding ratings were given for responsive and well-led and the safe, effective and caring aspects of the report were rated good.

The routine inspection took place on 20 September 2018, at the home in Brigg, Lincolnshire.

Orchard Court is registered to provide care and accommodation for a maximum of 34 people, some of whom may be living with dementia.

The CQC identified that residents told them the staff were caring and kind. Inspectors received the following comments, "This is a good place. There are lovely staff, they are polite and caring", "It is so nice, I am so well looked after by staff. I could not wish for staff to be any better" and, "Every single member of staff are fantastic, they offer the most amazing care and support. They are so caring and respectful."

They found people at the service received individualised care from a staff team who showed an exceptional knowledge of their needs. People's care was centred on achieving the best life possible for them. People living with dementia who became unsettled at night were benefitting from a new system that had been introduced where night staff wore pyjamas which, helped people understand it was nighttime. This had helped people to settle and go back to bed. Which meant they benefitted from sleeping and were more active during the day.

Since the CQC’s last inspection the provider had implemented a scheme called 'Jasmine Values' across the company to strengthen and develop the service further and encourage equality and inclusion of all parties. This ethos was provided to all staff on a key ring to promote 11 values staff had to adhere to, which promoted excellence at the service. For example, to ‘act with integrity, take care for the environment, be passionate about providing the highest standards of care.’ Staff demonstrated these values robustly during our inspection.

Inspectors assessed the effectiveness of the Jasmine Values through using a survey, the results received for each of the values ranged from eighty-seven to ninety five percent. Staff said they felt respected, included and valued the guidance provided by the Jasmine Values. They told us they were well supported by the management team.

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