Peacemills Care Home in Nottingham, a residential care home for people over the age of 60 was rated outstanding for being effective and caring following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 29 October 2019.
The safe, responsive and well-led categories received the score of Good from the CQC.
The CQC report highlighted that staff received training that equipped them with the skills, knowledge and confidence they needed to support people and the conditions they lived with to the highest standards of person centred and effective care.
The newly registered manager developed some highly innovative training in relation to 'do not resuscitate orders' (DNA/CPR documents). This involved staff being alerted to a spare bedroom by a call bell and being presented with a resuscitation doll lying on the bed with a mock care plan. Staff were then expected to react as if this was a real emergency in order to assess their understanding and competency. Any subsequent learning in relation to this very challenging area of care provision was then discussed and shared among the team.
A member of staff developed a truly innovative clothing protector for mealtimes, which appeared as a shirt and tie for a gentleman, and a pretty dress or blouse for the ladies. Residents were encouraged to choose the colours and patterns they preferred. These were backed with wipeable material and were washable but looked less like the traditional 'bibs' which some people wear to protect their clothes during mealtimes. This was a sensitive and highly personalised approach to supporting people's dignity during their mealtime experience, which the service was implementing for people who required assistance with their meals.
