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Red Oaks, Henfield

Red Oaks in Henfield, West Sussex, a nursing home for adults with physical disabilities and dementia, was rated outstanding for being caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and well-led categories.

The inspection took place on the 16 & 18 January 2018.

The CQC report highlighted that people living with dementia benefited immensely from care that responded to their individual needs. Staff used people's histories to identify and manage activities or routines that could trigger distress or anxiety in people. The provider delivered a '10.60.06' training and accreditation programme 'designed to enhance both the dementia care environment in participating homes and to improve interactions between staff, people living with dementia, relatives and health professionals.' The programme included 76 themes and standards related to the care of people living with dementia and focused on their history and background.

People received exceptional care to manage any life limiting conditions from staff who had received end of life care training. Two nurses had undergone an eight months 'six steps' course at a local hospice, acted as end of life care leads and provided advice and support to colleagues.

There were folders which included up to date information on the end of life care strategy, the Essence of Care guidelines and Department of Health and Royal College of Nursing guidance. Staff used the information to develop care plans depending on each person's needs. Records showed staff asked and recorded people's preferences, choices, who to contact and funeral arrangements for their end of life care and kept these under review. Staff involved relatives when needed and acted on their input when possible. People were supported with their religious beliefs, for example church people visited to say prayers when this was a person's wish.

Relatives highlighted the support provided by the hospice team and care staff was therapeutic and offered some calming effect during the various stages of the end of life for their family members. Staff understood the importance of respecting a person's wishes, being aware of their emotions and supporting their family. Records showed people received excellent standards of end of life care through the various stages.

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