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Riverside Point, Warrington

Riverside Point in Warrington, Cheshire, a residential care home for people with physical and learning disabilities was rated outstanding for being effective and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 29 November, 5 & 6 December 2019.

The safe caring and well-led categories received the score of Good from the CQC.

The CQC report highlighted that the provider invested heavily in both up skilling their staff and purchasing additional professional support such as 'Shine therapy' (specialised support with occupational therapy, speech and language and integrated support.) This helped staff to provide speedier support in these areas to strive for the very best outcomes.

Staff supported people to plan and achieve goals and aspirations. Staff knew how to meet each person's preferences and were innovative in suggesting ideas that they thought would work for each person. For instance, some people wanted to work with dogs and were supported with voluntary work for a local dog walking charity. One person liked trampolines. They were supported to go to local venues with specific support. Due to the positive outcomes for this person, the provider had plans to adapt the garden to develop a fully adapted trampoline on site.

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