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Riverview, Teignmouth


Riverview in Teignmouth, Devon has been rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The residential home was rated Outstanding for being safe, caring, responsive and well-led and the effective element scored Good following the inspection, 23 & 24 July 2019.

Montrose Barn is a care home that provides accommodation and personal care support for young people with learning disabilities.

Positive risk taking was promoted and people were empowered to take maximum control of their lives. A resident moved to Riverview from a secure unit. On arrival they were distressed and showing behaviours that were very challenging for staff to manage. High levels of PRN (as and when required) medication and physical intervention were needed to keep the person and others safe.

At the time of the inspection the person had not had any PRN medication for two years and was living their best life, enjoying daily outings and activities in the community.

Staff were skilled and effective in supporting people with a high level of needs. A visiting professional said, "I see staff that are empowered to do their jobs and encouraged to share skills. As a result, everyone knows every client very well and consequently they are very effective in carrying out their duties."

A relative said, "The training is above and beyond. All the staff are singing from the same hymn sheet and operating from policy.”

The provider had worked to develop a caring culture at the service. The PIR stated, "At Riverview the culture has been carefully cultivated with all staff. Staff work with the ethos that they work in the individual's home and should be treated as such. We have a strong culture of being open, honest, supportive and transparent. The home frequently is complimented on the positive culture by families and professionals alike.”

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