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The Croft Residential Home, Wolverhampton


The Croft Residential Home in Wolverhampton, West Midlands was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 23 January 2020.

The safe and effective categories received a score of Good.

The Croft is a residential care home providing personal care to adults aged 65 and over.

People and their relatives held the management and staff at The Croft in high regard. People were continued to be cared for in an exceptionally kind and warm way. People were given time they needed to express their wishes, views and feelings and staff afforded people with a high level of dignity and respect.

People living at The Croft were consistent in their views about the high level of quality care they received at the home and how this impacted on their happiness and well-being. One person said, "I am so happy; I couldn't be in a better place. The staff are wonderful.”

Another resident said, "It's really good this place is. They look after me, so I do alright. The staff are the strong point. They are always here if I need them and it makes me feel better knowing I do not have to worry anymore."

Regular meetings were held with the provider, the activity coordinators and the quality assurance advisor to look at new ways of evolving the service. The provider said, "By doing things this way, it enables us to build on the person-centred approach utilising the different skill set these staff bring. We are able to check what is working for people and how we measure ourselves as we have introduced activity evaluation forms which people complete with staff. We are concentrating on making sure people have access to evening and weekend activities and activity provision on a one-to- one basis."

June Bridget West, the registered manager said, "We want to effect change and deliver great care. We are continually evolving, and this is fed down to the staff group so they can help lead improvements; they are a committed group of care staff and they need to see I have oversight of the service so we can all work together."

The provider said, "The registered manager is so meticulous in all they do and works hard to sustain the rating of the care home for which we are all very proud."

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