The Mews in Rochdale, Lancashire, a nursing home for young people and over 65’s with sensory impairments, mental health conditions, dementia and physical disabilities was rated outstanding for being caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 6 & 7 March 2018.
It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and well-led categories.
The CQC report highlighted that there was a culture of openness and transparency at The Mews. Although the service supported people with a variety of extremely complex needs the environment was homely. Imaginative furniture arrangements minimised the risk of accidental injury, and the non-clinical environment did not detract from the high quality of care and support provided that was provided in a calm and relaxed environment.
There was a real sense of community throughout the service and residents were stimulated with a wide range of activities, their needs were addressed, and they appeared content.
Residents commented that they got on well with staff and were well supported. The staff that the CQC inspectors spoke with enjoyed working at The Mews and said that they felt a sense of fulfilment. Most of the people working there had done so for a long time, with very little staff turnover.
Six members of staff had recently completed 'Six Steps to Success' training, a programme designed to include people and their families at the end of life and offering a person centred approach to death and dying. When a resident was dying the hobby team continued to provide support, for instance, spending time with them, sitting and reading to them or just holding their hand.
People with MND had access to 'breathing space' kits to provide patient led palliative care for people with MND. All were aware and could choose when they want to start using this kit.