The Tudors Care Home near Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, a residential home for adults over 65, some with dementia was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 18 April 2018.
It achieved the score of good for the safe and effective categories.
People using the service and their relatives had very positive opinions about the care and support provided by the staff. One relative said, "If this had star ratings like a hotel it would be five stars, it is much better than we ever could have expected."
A dementia cafe opened once a week for residents, visitors and people from the local community. People living at the service who chose to get involved, baked cakes and treats the day before to serve in the cafe. One resident said, "I love baking for my family." This demonstrated to the CQC that the team had an understanding of people's wishes and endeavoured to give them a sense of worth and promoted and built upon their links with the local community.
