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Victoria Lodge Care Home, Birmingham


Victoria Lodge Care Home in Birmingham, West Midlands was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 24 & 27 September 2019.

It achieved the score of Good for the safe and effective categories.

Hurst House is a residential care home providing personal care to adults living with dementia.

The CQC report highlighted that staff had received training on equality and diversity and understood the importance of relating this to people they supported. A regular visitor who led religious services at the home stated, "There is a lovely calm spirit in the home with well attentive and warm appreciative and interactive staff who are very caring with the residents in all circumstances."

A staff member recalled a resident asking if they could attend church near the time of the anniversary of a loved one's passing. The staff member commented, "I was able to take that resident to church, we had a lovely afternoon, we went for a coffee and cream cakes afterwards, I felt I was able to make a difference."

CQC observations and discussions found staff were focused on providing personalised care. A staff member described how the tone for a person-centred approach had been set from interview and induction, "I was encouraged to join residents for breakfast and for supper, to sit and talk to them at length. I was encouraged to read their life books with them which are beautiful and hold so much information about their preferences, likes and dislikes and also their memories. They were absolutely right when they said to me on my first day, welcome to the family."

Feedback from both residents and relatives consistently praised the outstanding culture in the service and highlighted how Victoria Lodge was a real home, enjoyed by all. A relative complimented their recent visit to the home and said, "The atmosphere was warm and homely, some chattering, residents laughing, carers going about their day with a word here, a gentle touch there, this environment does not happen without a vision, strong leadership and a supportive well-trained staff."

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