Vista Applegarth in Leicester, a care home for adults living with sensory impairments, learning disabilities and people on the autistic spectrum, was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and responsive categories.
The inspection took place on the 28 November 2019.
The CQC report highlighted that relatives told them the staff were exceptionally kind and caring. A relative said, "You couldn't get better care anywhere. The staff are wonderful. They continually go out of their way for people." Another relative said, "The staff are great and genuinely care about the residents."
Staff supported residents to stay in close contact with their families and relative were encouraged to spend Christmas day at the home.
People achieved excellent outcomes at the home. One person was now eating independently and another resident's incidences of distressed behaviour had significantly reduced, as had the amount of medicines they needed to take. Two people were managing their diabetes more effectively by eating healthily. One of them no longer needed medicines for this condition, and the other was down to one tablet a day.
