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Westwood House, Swindon


The Care Quality Commission has found Westwood House to be outstanding.

Inspectors rated the care home in Swindon, Wiltshire as Outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led and good for being safe, following the 17 October 2018 inspection.

Westwood House is a care home for ten people with learning difficulties.

People's human and legal rights were understood and respected. People were supported to have their rights upheld to ensure they had maximum choice and control over their lives to support them in the least restrictive way possible.

Inspectors observed that residents received care that extended beyond the required standards. Staff were well supported and therefore were highly motivated to offer care and support that was exceptionally compassionate and kind. Staff were particularly sensitive at times when people needed caring and compassionate support.

An external professional said, "I'm not sure how they provide this, but I have certainly never experienced anything but kindness, respect and compassion from numerous staff I have come across. They certainly go the extra mile very often to ensure everyone is supported to an individual level.”

The CQC also highlighted that Westwood House offers an extremely responsive service. A professional commented, "Staff have tremendously supported me in my job. They have been able to raise the alarm when the service user's mental state deteriorated, and we were able to manage this very well. I cannot praise the staff enough and communication has never been an issue. I certainly feel that the service user I care for is getting fantastic support."

The service was exceptionally well-led. The service actively promoted a positive, inclusive and open culture. All staff showed a passion and commitment to providing the best support to enable people to have full lives. The registered manager had taken time to investigate ways to improve safety and share this practice within the organisation. There were robust quality assurance systems in place, which monitored the service, identifying potential areas for improvement, and actions were taken to improve these.

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