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Willow View, Bradford

Willow View in Bradford, West Yorkshire, providing accommodation and personal care for people with a learning disability and behaviour that may challenge others was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 16 December 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe category.

The CQC report highlighted that there was a strong emphasis on eating and drinking well and staff promoted people's food preparation and self-help skills. People's individual dietary and cultural requirements and tastes were catered for and healthy eating was promoted.

Nutritional and hydration needs were carefully monitored by staff and action taken if required. One person was provided with a new cup displaying their favourite characters to encourage them to drink spontaneously more often.

Staff demonstrated they were highly motivated and committed to respecting people's equality, diversity and human rights and knew how to support the cultural needs of people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Staff comments included, "I would recommend this home to a family member. We talk about it in staff meetings,” and "I would be happy for a relative to live here. I know they would be looked after."

People's support focused on them having as many opportunities as possible to gain new skills and experiences and have fun, like other adults. One person said, "I have enough support with activities. It's actually really good like that. It's brilliant. Yes, my skills have also improved. I keep on top of hygiene and washing now."

The shared vision of a highly successful and inclusive service was driven by exceptional leadership and the manager's vision for the service was "Person-centred care and positive risk taking. Every decision made in any way, in this service, improves the experiences of our residents. We are doing small things and taking small steps in order to reach our destination, i.e. making a difference in the lives of people with a learning disability and mental health issues."

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