Willowbank Care Home in Hadfield, Derbyshire has been awarded an outstanding rating by the Care Quality Commission.
The unannounced inspection took place on 7 June 2018.
The care home houses people over the age of 65 with physical disabilities.
The CQC awarded Willowbank outstanding on how caring and responsive it was and good in the safe, effective and well-led categories of the report.
CQC inspectors were told that all staff were extremely kind and compassionate. One relative said, "I wish to recognise and collectively praise all the staff, the younger staff members show a gentle, kind and caring nature towards my relative and all the people who live here which is remarkable for such young carers. The more mature and experienced staff care with extraordinary skill, empathy and patience and the managers expertly guide everybody throughout the day."
Another relative said, "Outstanding care was given to my relative. The staff treated them with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect."
Throughout the inspection the CQC witnessed kind interactions based on empathy. One member of staff said, "I think it is my job to make people happy and that's what I try to do each day."
Inspectors noted that staff were tactile and there was lots of hugging and laughing together, which people responded well to. Another relative commented, "They treat all of the people who live here with respect and take time out to chat with them or give them a cuddle if required."
A visiting health professional commented that, "The staff here love the people they care for."
People were also encouraged to participate in activities which were designed to improve their health and maintain their well being. There was a weekly exercise class provided by an external specialist to strengthen and to improve people's mobility. One member of staff said, "We are in the process of accrediting this course through Age Concern."
Mental health was taken into consideration when planning activities. When a resident become anxious or distressed, they were encouraged to try breathing exercises. A member of staff said, "It can really help some people to calm down. They trust the member of staff doing it with them and follow what they are doing."
Other techniques were also in place for different people; for example, when one person was distressed it sometimes helped to listen to their favourite music through headphones.