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Beech House - Bristol, Thornbury


Beech House - Bristol in Thornbury, Gloucestershire a residential home for adults with personal care and nursing needs was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 25 & 26 September 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe category.

The CQC report highlighted that the service recognised the importance of increased awareness and transparency in mental health and wellbeing. The provider wanted champions to have the skills to support, people, their relatives and staff. Initial training had been booked for two staff to become champions. The course is designed to provide improved listening skills, tools and techniques to be the first response to someone in need and if necessary, signpost them for any further support needed.

Following the previous CQC inspection in January 2017, the service had continued to consider how acts of kindness and care would have a positive impact on people's lives and wellbeing. The provider, registered manager and staff demonstrated a determined, positive commitment to people and made sure they felt valued. Comments received from people and family members included, "Above all there is an atmosphere of genuine concern for our happiness and welfare", "Nothing is too much trouble, one only has to ask", "I have been humbled by their dedication and human kindness" and "I am absolutely happy with the care, it's very good.”

The service anticipated sensitive changes for people and family circumstances and supported them at times when they suffered feelings of distress when receiving bad or sad news. One person living in the home had recently lost their husband. They were being supported by staff and friendship groups. Staff had taken the time to find out what was important to this person to help maintain special memories and precious moments they had previously enjoyed with their loved one. There were many examples where staff ensured these things continued, for example, trips to favourite places, watching Children in Need on television eating pizza and giving them a gift, each Christmas relating to their favourite pop idol which was something their husband had done every year.

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