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Belmont Grange Nursing and Residential Home, Durham

Belmont Grange Nursing and Residential Home in Durham, County Durham, was rated outstanding for being caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 24 September 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and responsive categories.

The CQC report highlighted that the service was an important part of the local community by building a special partnership with a locally based youth group with young people with a learning disability. Both the group and residents met up regularly, they enjoyed the visits and taking part in activities such as singing and crafts.

One resident said, "When the group visit us, they cheer everyone up, they are such cheerful people. I was honoured to go to their place and see them too, we've made great friends with them and their support staff too."

People were also supported to fundraise for extra resources for activities by holding regular raffles and coffee mornings for the community.

Recently the local youth group had their base vandalized, so residents decided to donate their raised funds to the group. The donation was matched by the provider. People visited the group and presented them with a cheque. This has made their relationship even stronger.

People were continually supported to be active citizens within their local community by using local services regularly. This included visiting social clubs and the local church community centre for a wide range of activities including coffee mornings and entertainers.

One person said, "Life is good, I'm part of a social group that meet every week and we go over to the church hall for the live music regularly."

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