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Birchwood Grange Nursing Home, Kenton


Birchwood Grange Nursing Home in Kenton, Middlesex, a residential home providing personal and nursing care for people living with conditions such as dementia and physical disabilities was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 2 & 10 October 2019.

It achieved the score of Good for the safe category.

The CQC report highlighted that the service worked in partnership with other organisations and kept up to date with new research and development to deliver the latest best practice. It was an active participant in the implementation of the local Enhanced Care in Care Homes model (EHCH). EHCH model is based on a collection of evidence-based interventions, which are designed to be delivered within and around a care home in a coordinated manner to make the biggest difference to people receiving care.

The CQC review of integrated care evidenced the service was delivering outcomes that were higher than expected. Notable impact for people receiving care, included yearly reviews of dental care for all 150 people using the service by a qualified dentist.

Furthermore, there was timely access to community specialist palliative care services, and therefore improved quality of care for people nearing the end of life.

Evidence showed a decrease of hospital admissions for people receiving end of life care from 75 people in 2017 to 58 in 2018, and 42 in 2019.

The service was exceptional in adapting care, so it was provided in-line with the latest evidence-based research. For example, the service had introduced an initiative by the British Lung Foundation called 'singing for lung health'. There is increasing evidence that singing regularly as part of a group is good for general health and well being, especially at improving quality of life for people living with a lung condition.

One person receiving care at Birchwood Grange had attended training and was delivering singing sessions to people at the service. This had improved the well being of the participants and episodes of crises, which caused difficulties in carrying out day to day activities were reduced.

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