Charnwood County Residence in King’s Thorn, Hereford has been rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Inspectors visited 6 March 2019 and rated Charnwood as outstanding in three areas, the caring, responsive and well-led aspects of the report, and good for the safe and effective elements.
The team at Charnwood County Residence provides accommodation, nursing and personal care for people over 65.
The CQC report highlighted thatstaff treated residents extremely well. Comments included, "They all know I like to be in bed by 7pm, sitting up so that I can watch all my soaps" and "The staff are lovely and kind."
A relative said, "We are pleased with the attention to care here. My sister hovered in the corridor as they settled mum into bed, and they kissed her goodnight."
Staff at Charnwood are fully aware of how to support people with a range of diverse needs including people from the LGBT community. Staff were able to give CQC inspectors examples that demonstrated their awareness of important equality issues and how this was reflected in their daily practice when supporting people.
Staff had completed training in equality, diversity and human rights, including awareness of sexuality and intimacy when living with dementia, and equality characteristics. Staff had also received training in 'Safe to be me' to ensure they were aware of how to support people with diverse needs.
Transition plans, when people moved into the service, were sensitively arranged. Inspectors witnessed one person living with dementia, whose first language was not English, had a personalised transition plan for their move from home to the service. Their person-centred documentation was very comprehensive and established their personal, social and cultural needs, which was written in a lovely way. Family was incredibly important to the person and they had been fully involved and contributed immensely to the plan of support for the person's move into a care setting. There was a list of activities to try to help with the transition and photographs of family visits. Inspectors met the resident during the inspection and could see they were a much-loved member of the community at Charnwood Country Residence. They felt comfortable visiting the office, sitting with staff and holding their hands.
The CQC report also highlighted that Charnwood employed an 'Admiral Nurse', who had specific expertise in dementia care. They completed visits to potential residents in their own homes prior to admission to support a good transition into life in a care home. They continued to support families after the move and for as long as necessary, which ensured they received support to understand how people could live well with dementia. Records showed the Admiral Nurse provided group learning sessions for staff and assisted in the development of care plans for people living with dementia.