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Cherry Tree Lodge: Pioneering Personalized Care with a Heart and Innovation

Introduction and Service Overview

Cherry Tree Lodge, managed by Home from Home Care Limited and located in Ruskington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, provides specialized accommodation and personal care for up to nine individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism. Adhering to the 'Registering the Right Support' principles, the service is dedicated to enabling residents to lead fulfilling lives with the utmost independence.

Care Quality and Resident Experience

Recognized for its outstanding care, Cherry Tree Lodge tailors its support to the unique needs of each resident. The staff's commitment to personal choice, control, and independence is evident. Feedback from residents and their relatives consistently praises the caring, respectful, and inclusive atmosphere fostered by the team.

Environment and Activities

The lodge offers a comfortable and stimulating environment. Residents are encouraged to make their living spaces their own and to participate in various on-site and community activities. This approach not only promotes personal development but also facilitates social interaction and community integration.

Safety and Health Management

Safety is a top priority at Cherry Tree Lodge. Detailed risk assessments and the integration of technology enhance both safety and personalized care. Staff training in safeguarding and medication management ensures a secure, supportive environment for all residents.

Leadership and Community Links

The leadership at Cherry Tree Lodge is marked by innovation and inclusivity. The management and staff's dedication to continuous improvement is complemented by active engagement with the local community, enriching the residents' experience and strengthening community connections.

CQC Ratings

Cherry Tree Lodge has received an 'Outstanding' rating in areas such as responsiveness and leadership during its latest inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). These ratings are a testament to the home's commitment to high-quality, personalized care.


Cherry Tree Lodge is a beacon of innovative and personalized care in the residential care sector. Its focus on enhancing the lives of residents with learning disabilities or autism, coupled with strong community involvement and exceptional leadership, positions it as a premier choice for families seeking a nurturing and empowering environment for their loved ones.

Comment from Fulcrum Care Senior Consultant

"Cherry Tree Lodge exemplifies what it means to provide compassionate, individualized care. Their outstanding ratings in responsiveness and leadership highlight a deep commitment to not just meeting, but exceeding the unique needs of each resident. At Fulcrum Care, we are inspired by such innovative approaches and are dedicated to supporting care homes like Cherry Tree Lodge in their journey towards excellence in care and community integration."

To explore how Fulcrum Care can assist your care home on the path to excellence, visit our website: [](

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