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Cleves Place, Haverhill


Cleves Place in Haverhill, Suffolk a residential home for adults requiring personal and nursing care, some living with dementia, was rated outstanding for being caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and well-led categories.

The inspection took place on the 5 April 2018.

The CQC report highlighted that residents were positive about the standards of care provided at Cleves Place. Comments included, "It feels like home, my grandson comes and he pops into the kitchen too - the family are always welcome,”, "They are all so kind, not just the carers but the cleaners too, everyone is,” and "All the girls are good, all of them, we have a laugh too that's nice."

CQC inspectors also received many compliments about the home stating how considerate and kind-hearted staff were, "Fabulous to see such a wonderful dementia friendly community,” and "a very positive holistic home."

Resident's life histories were recorded in a life storybook including photographs and memories which staff developed with them. This enabled staff to get to know people well and enabled them to support them in the way they wanted to be. After the history section the storybook went on to record people's lives once they had moved into Cleves Place, which included photos of them taking part in activities, celebrations they had taken part in and family visits.

This acknowledged that people continued to have good lives and make new memories once they had moved into residential care.

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