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Cumnor Hill House, Oxford

Cumnor Hill House, in Oxford, a nursing home for people over 65 with physical disabilities, sensory impairments and dementia was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 23 May 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe and effective categories.

The CQC report highlighted that during the last inspection on 18 April 2017 inspectors identified concerns about medicine management. They found two breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and we asked the provider to submit an action plan about how they were going to address the concerns raised.

The action plan was submitted within the timescales given and showed that the improvements had been achieved and how these were going to be sustained.

At this inspection the CQC found the provider addressed the above concerns and the service improved to Good in both the safe and effective domains.

There was overwhelming evidence that demonstrated further improvements to Outstanding in both the caring and responsive domains. The significant improvements of people's experiences were achieved because of the excellent leadership provided. The CQC therefore rated the well-led domain as Outstanding and the service was rated Outstanding overall.

The service was now very well-led. There was a registered manager running the service who started working at Cumnor Hill House a week after the last inspection back in 2017.

Throughout the inspection there was a very positive atmosphere encouraged by the team that promoted open and transparent culture. Residents and relatives complimented the service and everyone the CQC spoke with said that the service was extremely well-led. Comments included, "A very well operated organisation. You have to be a bit of a niggler to find fault with it" and "The home is well run, comfortable and sociable."

The impact on people's life, their experiences and how people's voice was used to improve the service had been demonstrated in caring and responsive domains of this report.

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