Fairway View in Nottingham, a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to people aged 65 and over was rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
It gained the score of Good for being safe and effective.
The inspection took place on the 6 November 2019.
The CQC report highlighted that resident's cultural backgrounds were celebrated. Staff, residents and their families had completed a "This is me" booklet which contained detailed information about their past life, including likes, dislikes, and hobbies. This information was used to buddy up staff and people with shared interests to create stronger bonds.
Residents living at Fairway View had a social committee that met regularly to plan local trips out, in house activities, entertainers and long-distance trips. There was a wish tree in reception for people to place a wish on which linked to the social committee. One person's wish was to go bowling but there was no one else interested. In order to accommodate the person's wish, the staff contacted another home to connect them up with another person who also enjoyed bowling.
The service had staff champions in different areas, and it was clear to see the ongoing impact of these roles. For example, the dementia lead had implemented new digital clocks to help people tell the time and new toilet signs for easy identification. The end of life lead person had implemented gold framework debriefing sessions and the mental capacity lead had improved staff confidence in assessing people's capacity on a regular basis.
