Fernhill in Ferndown, Dorset, a residential home for adults has been rated outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 19 & 20 August 2019.
It achieved the score of Good for the safe and effective categories.
The CQC report highlighted that compassion, respect and kindness were core values of the service. Great emphasis was placed on ensuring people had the opportunity to have new experiences.
Staff supported one person to make a music CD after arranging for them to visit a recording studio.
The resident later had a visit from the police choir, joined in and is now a member of Fernhill's own choir. This would not have happened without the dedication of the staff.
Innovative ways were used to make sure people and their family’s members were given a choice and control over the care and support they received.
The 'Resident of the Day' scheme was developed to help play a part in delivering the service's promise of 'Cherishing You' to each and every person and to ensure that on a at least one day a month every resident is made to feel extra special because the focus of the team is on them for the day.
Staff, the person concerned, and family members sit down to review all elements which influenced the person's well-being and help the person 'Lead the fullest life possible'.
During a review it was highlighted that one person loved to play the piano when they lived at home, so it was arranged for the piano to be moved into Fernhill. At first this person ignored the piano and one day started playing it again and the registered manager said how it was an amazing experience for both the person and their relative. This had increased the persons confidence and pride. One person said, "The staff do encourage me to be a bit more independent."
Staff meetings were held regularly during which staff could discuss matters affecting people using the service or recruitment and staffing matters. They were encouraged to comment and share ideas about how practice and care might be improved. This demonstrated a focus on ensuring effective communication with staff in all roles.
