Field House in Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, a residential home providing personal care for people with mental health needs, learning disabilities and/or autism was rated outstanding for being responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 12 & 27 August 2019.
It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and caring categories.
The CQC report highlighted that health and social care professionals contacted them to tell them how "impressed" they were with the "consistently person centred and caring support" people received at the home. They described the service as "outstanding, responsive" and with "skillful staff" who empowered people to achieve their potential.
Professionals confirmed what CQC inspectors saw in practice with "exceptional outcomes" for people living at the home that had improved their lives "beyond all recognition". They said that people who had come to the home, with highly complex needs and behaviours had "blossomed" at Field House.
The culture within the home cultivated an attitude of 'we can do this' among residents and staff to achieve ambitions. This had led to some life changing outcomes for people, with a significant impact on their well being and the quality of their lives.