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Heathcotes (Bridlington), North Humberside

Heathcotes (Bridlington) in North Humberside, a care home providing personal care for people with a learning disability and/or autism, with a specialist in prader willi syndrome was rated outstanding for being effective, caring and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

It gained the score of Good for being safe and responsive.

The inspection took place on the 6 November 2019.

Prader willi syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that results in several physical, mental and behavioural problems. A key feature is a constant sense of hunger.

The CQC report highlighted that everyone living at the service had experienced weight loss with the majority now being classed as being at a healthy weight due to the exceptional support they received to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. The provider commissioned the services of a nutritionist to work alongside people to construct a low-calorie diet which met people's needs.

Positive communication strategies had directly impacted on people's lives. Due to the exceptionally creative and dynamic support given by staff, significant improvements had been made to people's behaviours, understanding of fears, and relationships with people and their families. One person said, "When I don't want to speak to staff, I can put a sign on my door. When that sign is there staff don't bother me and I sit on my bean bag."

The CQC report also highlighted that Heathcotes had strong links with the local community. People were supported to engage in a variety of local activities and were well known.

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