The Care Quality Commission gave Care UK’s Hollins Park, in Macclesfield, an overall outstanding rating, following an unannounced inspection on 21 May 2019.
Hollins Park provides accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care, with dementia, learning disabilities, mental health conditions, physical disabilities, treatment of disease, disorder or injury to adults over the age of 65.
Helena Dennett, head of adult social care inspection at the CQCsaid, “Hollins Park was already providing a good level of care, however, since the last inspection they have improved in many areas and are now rated outstanding overall.”
The care home received outstanding ratings for the effective, caring, responsive and well-led categories, and a good rating for safety.
CQC inspectors highlighted that external professionals were extremely complimentary about the effective relationships they had with the service and about the high-quality, effective care delivered. They were told that the high level of staff skill and expertise within the service meant that staff proactively implemented management strategies that they would have recommended.
People were cared for by staff who treated them exceptionally well. Throughout the inspection CQC inspectors observed attentive staff providing care and support in an extremely caring and discreet way.
Staff went above and beyond to ensure people led fulfilled lives. Arrangements were being made for a person with a police background to meet serving officers and once again sit in a police car.
Another person was supported to attend 'Truck Fest' after expressing a wish to see the trucks that they used to drive and meet up with past work colleagues.
The report highlighted that Hollins Park is exceptionally well-led by a management team, whose determination and drive are to deliver an outstanding service.