Kirk House in Dorrington, Lincolnshire was rated outstanding for being responsive and well-led following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), on 7 & 13 November 2019.
The caring, safe and effective categories received a score of Good.
Kirk House is a care home providing personal care to young adults who live with a physical/sensory disability, learning disability and/or autism.
People were able to access a varied range of personalised activities. After lunch CQC inspectors observed one person contently dancing in their wheelchair to music in the kitchen with sensory disco lights all around. In other areas they observed a person receiving one to one support with reading a book. Another person in the privacy of their room was having a foot spa session and foot massage which included a lot of bubbles and laughs. The staff member supporting made sure the person was central to choosing everything about the activity; preferences of music, fragrances used and sensory stimulus. From the observations it was clear that a trusting, respectful and responsive experience was enjoyed by both staff and residents at Kirk House.
Supporting the local community was important to the service. People and staff were actively involved in raising money for a local charity. The money was raised by collecting sponsors and for each person to 'Move' for one mile in whichever method was preferable. For some this was racing around the track at the summer BBQ and for others this was walking in the community a little and often. A charity rounders match had also been played to raise money for the same charity which supported people who experienced social isolation.