The Montana Residential Home on the outskirts Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk providing care for adults over 65 has been given the overall score of outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The inspection took place on 18 May 2018.
Montana was rated outstanding in three out of five key areas.
Outstanding ratings were given in the caring, responsive and well-led aspects of the report, and the safe and effective elements received a score of good.
The CQC report highlighted that people were treated with warmth, kindness and compassion and staff had time to sit with people and chat to them. A relative said, "You don't see care staff standing around chatting here. They are with people." A member of staff commented, "I love my job, it's an absolute pleasure to be with people."
Residents told CQC inspectors that staff were extremely responsive to their needs and preferences and that their care was inclusive and focused on them. A resident was keen to point out that their care was delivered exactly to their preferences and gave an example, "They bring me a cup of tea at 06:50 in the morning, at my request."
At the last inspection in July 2015, the CQC rated well-led as Good, but at this inspection they found that the home had exceeded this rating. The service had been developed further, people were receiving exceptionally good care which was responsive to their needs and the home was very well -led.
