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Recovery House, York

Recovery House in York, North Yorkshire, a residential home for adults with learning disabilities and mental health conditions was rated outstanding for being caring, and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 28 March 2018.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and well-led categories.

Residents who used the service at Recovery House felt cared for and enjoyed living there. One person said, "Staff really care and they know me as a person." Comments from staff included, "People come to work to do their best" and "We are a good team to work with. We all have different skills and we are good at reflecting on our practice."

People who lived at the home were involved in a 'Recovery' project. The aim of the project was to allow individuals to explore 'their story' through creative interactions and be able to make sense of what had happened to them, but recognise hope, in respect of moving forward. The group worked towards the production of a book and an associated film was being produced; both focused on 'Recovery.'

One person told the CQC that as a result of preparing their own meals and attending a training course, they had developed an interest in cookery and were planning to make their own Easter eggs. On the day of the inspection they were going shopping with a member of staff to buy Easter egg moulds, but were then independently going out for lunch with people they had met at external group sessions.

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