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Sefton New Directions limited – Hudson Road, Maghill

Sefton New Directions limited – Hudson Road in Maghill, Merseyside, a residential home for adults with profound and multiple disabilities including learning, physical disabilities and sensory needs, was rated outstanding for caring and responsive following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 8 & 17 October & 13 November 2019.

It achieved the score of good for the safe, effective and well-led categories.

The CQC report highlighted that staff were extremely skilled and flexible in the way they communicated with people and used signing familiar to residents living in the home. They also considered lighting and suitable positioning of people who had sight and/or hearing difficulties during activities and meetings, so they would be involved.

Images and photographs were used to aid with communication and promote memories of activities and celebrations. One person had recently celebrated a birthday and staff had presented them with a published memory book of their life and photographs from the day. This was obviously important to her as she kept it near to her.

Staff showed incredible commitment to people following their death. They chose favourite clothes, did their hair and makeup and included items important to person in their casket. Family and friends were welcomed to the home following the service for a celebration of their life. This showed staff respect and understanding that Hudson Road was their home.

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