The Links in Broadstone, Dorset has been awarded an outstanding rating by the Care Quality Commission, following the inspections 20, 21 June & 10 July 2018.
The Links part of Bupa Care Homes is a purpose-built home and is registered to accommodate a maximum of 68 people who require either nursing or personal care.
The CQC awarded The Links outstanding on how responsive and well-led it is, and good for how safe, effective and caring it is.
CQC inspectors highlighted that without exception staff spoke positively and passionately about working at the service. Staff demonstrated person centred values, which placed an emphasis on respect for the individual being supported. Staff told CQC inspectors about a resident living with dementia that had been an RAF pilot during World War II. Remembrance Sunday had always been very important to them so additional staff were brought in to support the person to go to the church service and to the laying of wreaths at the town war memorial. The person had been welcomed by the congregation and invited to sit with some of the other members of the congregation. The resident had not been able to stop smiling for the rest of the day.
Staff said they had the time they needed to help people in a responsive way. One commented, "There is always something for people to do and we are encouraged to support this and respond to the person, there's no tick list of jobs to do."
Staff also involved people in the community to enhance both the lives of residents in the home and the larger community of Broadstone. The service had recently joined a Dorset Police Safe Haven initiative, and had become a location where anyone who is living with dementia and other related conditions can temporarily go if they are confused in public and are unable to provide sufficient information to be taken home. One person had already benefitted from this and staff had been proud to use their skills to help. They also were involved with other local groups and volunteers including The Rotary Club, cubs, a nursery school and work experience for young people from local secondary schools.
The activities coordinator told CQC inspectors how this involvement had led to support from local companies to undertake various activities and events in the home. One relative said that they felt the service was, "Very much part of the local community which seemed to be very caring and supportive."
